Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath reached Bahraich on Sunday evening. Here he said that in the Mahsi affected area, there has been loss of life due to wolf attacks for the last two months. Many people have been injured in the attack. On receiving the information of the attack, the administration was immediately instructed to launch a campaign. A team of the Forest Department was sent here along with the Forest Minister. The Chief Minister said that the teams will leave from here only after the affected area is freed from wolves. All the teams will conduct search operations with full vigor.
The Chief Minister said that Mahsi Vidhansabha is a flood affected area. This area is already sensitive in terms of wildlife. Due to water ingress, wildlife migrates to safer places. They go towards human settlements in search of prey. The first incident occurred on 17th July due to waterlogging caused by increased water in the Saryu river. At that time a one year old child was preyed upon by a wolf. He said that the last incident occurred on 1st September. Today is 15th September, but there has been no loss of life. Five wolves have been caught. Continuous monitoring is being done with four thermal drone cameras. The joint team of administration, police and forest department has done a good job.
Yogi said that instructions have been given to provide immediate housing to the families deprived of housing in the affected area. Apart from this, instructions have been given to cover them with all facilities including ration card, Ayushman card, so that the people of the affected areas do not have to wander. The CM said that he himself has done an aerial survey of the affected area. It has been seen that life is completely normal. Till the area is completely free from wildlife attacks, the teams engaged in the campaign will remain in the area with full vigilance. He said that his purpose of coming here is to get information about the campaign going on at the local level from the victims.
165 teams of forest department are combing
The CM said that the campaign is being carried out with full vigilance in the wolf-infested area. 165 teams of the forest department are combing the area. Every movement of the wolves is also being monitored with four thermal drones. Due to better coordination between the teams, five wolves have been caught and sent to the zoo.
712 families got the benefit of toilet
Families without toilets have been identified in 57 Bhedia-affected villages. BDO Hemant Kumar Yadav said that 712 such families have been given the benefit of toilets. The entire amount has been transferred to the accounts of these families in one go without any delay. Teams have also been deployed to monitor the construction of toilets.