
North Korea Balloons Trash: North Korean dictator Kim Jong has once again sent balloons filled with garbage towards South Korea. Seoul officials said North Korea released more balloons filled with garbage towards South Korea on Sunday.In fact, South Korea had resumed anti-Pyongyang propaganda broadcasts against North Korea. North Korea took this action just two days after this. 

People were alerted

South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said that North Korean balloons were crossing the border and flying north of the South Korean capital Seoul. They have instructed South Koreans to be alert to falling objects. Apart from this, they have also advised to inform the police and military authorities if any balloon is seen falling on the ground. 

South Korea will take strict measures

Tensions are rising on the Korean Peninsula as North Korea launches balloons filled with garbage towards South Korea. South Korea had earlier warned that if North Korea continues provocative actions like launching balloons, it will intensify loudspeaker broadcasts and take other tough measures.

Tension is increasing between the two countries

It is noteworthy that since the end of May, North Korea has flown balloons filled with garbage such as pieces of cloth, cigarette butts, used batteries towards South Korea, although these have not caused any major damage to South Korea. North Korea said that earlier South Korean activists had sent political pamphlets to North Korea through their balloons, in response to which these balloons were launched.
