
New Delhi . Special Category Status NITI Aayog member Arvind Virmani on Wednesday called for finding "pragmatic" solutions to problems faced by states. He said states like Rajasthan and Odisha have performed well even without getting special category status. Virmani said in a democracy there is a need to identify specific problems and find pragmatic solutions. He was responding to a question on the issue of granting "Special Category Status" (SCS) to Bihar and Andhra Pradesh.

The special state status was started in 1969

The 'Special Status' category was introduced in 1969 on the recommendation of the Fifth Finance Commission to benefit certain backward states with hilly terrain, strategic international borders, and economic and infrastructural backwardness.

'It's a complex issue'

"There are committees and commissions that have tried to lay down the criteria for special category status (for states). It is a complex issue as well," Virmani said. The economist said that in the last 30-40 years, “we used to have 'BIMARU' states. For instance, Odisha has developed a lot, Rajasthan has also progressed a lot and things have changed. As far as I know, none of these states have got special category status. However, that does not mean it is not important.”

Andhra Pradesh has been demanding special state status on the grounds of revenue loss since its division in 2014. Bihar has also been demanding special status since 2005. Nitish Kumar took oath as chief minister in 2005.
