There is a wave of enthusiasm and excitement in the country and the world about the new year. People are eagerly waiting for the year 2025. People have also made a lot of preparations for this. According to astrologers, in the year 2025, the effect of Mars, the factor of energy, will be the highest. This will bring special enthusiasm and confidence in people. Career and business will also get a new dimension.
Due to the change in the zodiac sign of Shani Dev, people of many zodiac signs will get relief from the obstacle of Shani. At the same time, with the grace of Guru, people of many zodiac signs will get the desired success in life. In astrology, there is a provision to do special measures on the first day of the New Year. By doing these measures, one gets freedom from financial crisis. At the same time, positive energy is transmitted in the house. If you also want to get progress and progress in your life, then on the first day of the new year, definitely do these measures related to salt (New Year 2025 Upay). By doing these measures, Vastu Dosh is removed. Along with this, happiness and good fortune increase. Let's know-
Salt remedies
- Avoid dealing in salt on the first day of the New Year. Dealing in salt displeases Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Therefore, do not give salt to anyone even by mistake nor take salt on loan from anyone. Venus also becomes weak due to the transaction of salt.
- If you want to get rid of Vastu Dosh, then after waking up in the morning on the first day of the new year, mix salt in water and sprinkle it on the main door of the house. By doing this remedy, Vastu Dosh gets removed.
- If you want to increase happiness and good fortune, then on the first day of the new year, add a pinch of salt to the water and mop the house. By doing this remedy, positive energy flows in the house.
- If you want to get rid of financial problems, then on the first day of the new year, put a pinch of salt in a bowl filled with water. Now keep the vessel in the store room. The next morning, sprinkle salt-mixed water in the house.