
Treatment of people suffering from depression will now be possible through nasal spray as well. The Food and Drug Department of the United States of America has approved Johnson & Johnson's nasal spray Spravato for adult use. This is big news for people suffering from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), because the treatment of MDD is very difficult. 

Johnson & Johnson has said that Spravato nasal spray has been approved as a stand-alone therapy, which means that a person suffering from MDD will not need any separate medication. The company claims that this is the first stand-alone therapy for MDD. Let us tell you, Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a state of depression in which there is no improvement in the patient even after at least two standard treatments. 

Approval was given for the first time in 2019 

Let us tell you, Spravato nasal spray was first approved for use in 2019. The US Food and Drug Department approved its use to reduce cases of depression and suicide caused by it. However, it was not approved as a stand-alone therapy then. Patients were also suggested separate medication along with the use of nasal spray. 

Trial has been done four times 

Johnson & Johnson has conducted four trials of Spravato nasal spray, after which it has been approved for use. The company has said that the trial has shown that this nasal spray starts showing its effect on depressed patients within 24 hours and depression can be relieved in at least four weeks or 28 days. According to data released by the company, Spravato has generated sales of $780 million in the first nine months of 2024. 

MDD is increasing rapidly among adults in America

Johnson & Johnson has said that cases of depression are increasing rapidly among adults in America. If we look at the statistics, about 21 million (2.10 crore) adults are victims of MDD. The company claims that this nasal spray starts showing results within 24 hours.