
The month of Chaitra is dedicated to Jagat Janani Adishakti Maa Durga. Chaitra Navratri is celebrated in this month. During this time Jagat Janani Maa Durga and her nine forms are worshiped. Also, a fast is observed for nine days for Maa Durga. Religious belief is that by worshiping Jagat Janani Maa Durga, every wish of the devotee is fulfilled. Also, happiness and good fortune increase with time.


According to astrologers, during Chaitra Navratri, the energy factor Mangal Dev will change the zodiac sign. People of many zodiac signs will benefit from the change in the zodiac sign of Mangal Dev. People of these zodiac signs will be blessed by Mangal Dev (Mangal Gochar 2025). Let's know everything about it.


Mars transit in Taurus

If we believe the astrologers, at present, the commander of the planets, Mars, is in Gemini. Mars will remain in this sign till 02 April. The next day, i.e. on 03 April, it will move out of Gemini and transit into Cancer. Mars will remain in this sign till 06 June.


Virgo sun sign

With the change in the zodiac sign of Mars, there will be a new dawn in the life of Virgo natives. With the blessings of Mars, you can plan to travel. Business related problems will be resolved. There are chances of monetary gains. Self-confidence will increase. However, there is a need to control anger and speech. Do not argue with anyone and do not hurt anyone. You will get support from friends, but there can be disputes at times. You will enjoy happiness like kings. To get the blessings of Maa Durga, worship Jagat Janani during Navratri .

The blessings of Mangal Dev will be showered on the people of Libra zodiac. Money related problems will be resolved with his blessings. Business people will benefit. A plan will be made to expand the business. There will be sudden monetary gains. Along with this, you will also become virtuous. You will bring glory to your family with your hard work. You will be happy and famous. You will get all kinds of happiness. There are chances of a government job. There will be an increase in status and prestige. There are chances of promotion. People associated with the army or administration can get benefits. Serve your mother. Along with this, during Chaitra Navratri, do special worship of the goddess of the world, Maa Durga.