The grand Mahakumbh is being organized in Prayagraj district of Uttar Pradesh. Crores of devotees are taking a dip in the Triveni Sangam. A huge crowd of saints has also reached Prayagraj Mahakumbh. In such a situation, Abhay Singh aka IITian Baba, who recently became aerospace engineer turned sanyasi, also became quite viral on social media. However, now a shocking news related to him is coming out. According to the information, IITian Baba Abhay Singh has been expelled from the Juna Akhara camp. Let us know what is the reason behind this incident.
Why was action taken against IITian Baba?
According to a TOI report, Abhay Singh alias IITian Baba has been expelled from the Juna Akhara camp for allegedly using abusive language against his guru Mahant Someshwar Puri. This action was taken against him late on Saturday night.
What did Juna Akhara say?
Juna Akhara has also given a statement in this matter. The Akhara said that discipline and devotion to the Guru is paramount and no person who cannot follow this principle can become a Sanyasi. Juna Akhara's chief patron Mahant Hari Giri said - "Abhay Singh's act is against the Guru-Shishya (disciple) tradition and Sanyas (renunciation). If you have insulted your Guru, you have shown that you have no respect for Sanatan Dharma or the Akhara."
Where is Baba Abhay Singh now?
According to the information, after being expelled from the Juna Akhara camp, Baba Abhay Singh has taken refuge in the camp of another saint. Let us tell you that Abhay Singh is a resident of Haryana. He did B.Tech in Aerospace from IIT Bombay. However, after some time he adopted the life of a sanyasi. After coming into the eyes of the media in Maha Kumbh, today he has become a topic of discussion in the whole country.