Lucknow. After Unchahar Samajwadi Party MLA Manoj Kumar Pandey joined the BJP on Friday, his membership in the Vidhan Sabha is now in danger. Now the SP will take action to end Manoj's membership under the anti-defection law.
SP President Akhilesh Yadav has already made his displeasure public by calling him a traitor. Manoj, a three-time MLA from Rae Bareli's Unchahar seat, was inducted into the BJP by Home Minister Amit Shah by making him wear a turban during an election rally in Daulatpur, Rae Bareli. However, Manoj's inclination towards the BJP was visible in the Rajya Sabha elections itself.
Cross voting was done in favor of BJP candidate
He had cross voted in favour of the BJP candidate. Despite not formally joining the BJP, he was continuously working for the BJP from behind the scenes. As soon as Manoj officially joined the BJP, the SP questioned his morality.
SP national spokesperson Rajendra Chaudhary said that Manoj Pandey should have joined BJP only after resigning. Joining another party without resigning is wrong both morally and legally. Now the SP president will take legal action against Manoj.
The spokesperson said that earlier SP MLA from Ghosi, Dara Singh Chauhan had joined BJP after resigning from the MLA post. In the by-election held on the vacant seat due to the resignation, BJP had made Dara the candidate but he lost the election to SP. BJP later made Dara a member of the Legislative Council. Dara is currently the Prison Minister in the Yogi government.