The film Love Is Forever, made under the banner of Soft Touch Entertainment, is going to be released in theaters simultaneously in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu on January 10, 2025. The story of this film is very different from the story of common Bollywood films. A confluence of suspense, thriller, romance, horror and comedy will be seen in the film which will keep the audience hooked. The film, which travels from a love story to a horror thriller, gives a wonderful feeling of adventure. There are many exciting twists and turns in the film, which the audience will like very much.
What is the story of the film?
The story of the film begins with Simran and Rohit, who are about to get married with the blessings of their families but face a series of tragic events. After Rohit's mother dies in a car accident, his father remarries Maya, whom Rohit does not trust. When Rohit's father also dies under mysterious circumstances, Rohit suspects Maya's conspiracy.
Despite Maya's opposition, Rohit marries Simran. They go to Shimla for their honeymoon. But such events happen there that both are shocked. Rohit gets upset after knowing about Simran's past. Raj's character emerges in such a way that it will prove to be entertaining for the audience. To know what happens next, you will have to watch the film.
Which artists will be seen?
As far as acting is concerned, Ruslan Mumtaz has done natural acting in the role of Rohit Mehra. Karnika Mandal has brought life to the role of Simran Chopra. Rahul B Kumar has proved to be a surprise package in the role of Raj Verma. He has left a deep impression with his acting and action. Chandraprakash Thakur in the role of Raj's father, Mushtaq Khan as the heroine's father, Gargi Patel in the role of the heroine's mother, Javed Haider in the role of Dhaniram, Garima Agarwal as Maya and Salim Mullanwar in the role of Rana have also impressed.
S Srinivas proved to be a great director
S Srinivas' direction is precise. DOP Raj Shekhar Naidu has done excellent camerawork. Music director Day Chauhan and lyricist Sanjit Nirmal have composed excellent songs. Writer Rashid Kanpuri's story has novelty. Action master Mukesh Rathore has designed some amazing stunts.