
New Delhi. If you do not get proper sleep at night, you spend the whole night tossing and turning, then it is obvious that your mood will be bad in the morning, you will feel tired and your stomach will not be cleared properly. Health experts recommend taking 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily to keep the body and mind healthy. Sleeping less than this can cause many problems.  

Causes of poor sleep

Office work, unhealthy diet and lifestyle along with environmental factors can also cause lack of sleep. Apart from this, sometimes sleep can also be affected due to some serious illness. Due to lack of sleep, one may face problems like lack of concentration, anger, constipation etc.

Do these measures for good sleep

Make it a habit to get up early in the morning

Waking up early in the morning may be a difficult task for you, but it can help a lot in solving the problem of sleep. Waking up early in the morning helps you fall asleep at the right time at night.

Incorporate workouts into your routine

Workout not only keeps you fit, but it also helps you sleep well. Start your morning with 20 to 30 minutes of exercise. Take time for cardio, yoga, aerobics, whatever exercise is possible for you. This makes the body tired, which helps you sleep well.

Eat a healthy diet

A healthy diet can also overcome lack of sleep to a great extent. Avoid eating fried, spicy, junk food at night. These can cause problems like gas, acidity, bloating , which disturbs sleep. Keep dinner light. Include vegetables and pulses. 

have dinner on time

It is important to have dinner on time as well as having it light. Finish your dinner at least two hours before going to bed.

Distance from gadgets

If you want a good sleep, stop using your phone, laptop, TV half an hour or one hour before going to bed. Instead of these, you can take the help of breathing exercises, light stretching or books.

Many people think that sleeplessness and bad mood can be managed by drinking a cup of coffee or tea, but this solution will not work in the long run. Lack of sleep or any other disturbance can increase the risks of high blood pressure, depression and diabetes. If you are craving for a peaceful sleep, then try the above mentioned remedies and if the problem still persists, then consult a doctor without delay, who can find out the possible reasons for sleeplessness and solve this problem quickly.

(Based on a conversation with Dr Shibasish Dey, Medical Affairs Head, South Asia, ResMed)
