
Kannauj News: A new hope has arisen within the walls of Kannauj district jail. 45 male and 5 female prisoners, who were once forced to live in darkness. Today, the 'Nav Bharat Literacy Examination', moving towards the light of literacy, has added a new chapter in the lives of these prisoners. After two and a half months of hard work and dedication, these prisoners are now ready to reach the peak of literacy. This commendable initiative of the district jail administration is now being appreciated.

Actually this whole matter is of Kannauj district jail, these people who are solving the question paper with pen in hand and on the table are those who are serving jail sentence due to some crime or the other. To connect these prisoners who have gone away from the mainstream of the society, the district jail first educated these illiterate prisoners. Now these educated prisoners are giving literacy test.  

What do the prisoners say in the jail?
The effect of the literacy school started in the jail by the jail superintendent Mohammad Akram Khan two and a half months ago is now visible. Radheshyam, the oldest prisoner among the prisoners taking the test, is saying that he is 90 years old and he also says that he has never held a pen or paper. He always used his thumb impression but after studying in the jail school he can now write his name. Radheshyam says that when he gets released from the jail, he will go out after signing his name. Shahnaz, a woman prisoner taking the literacy test, says that she was also illiterate but now she has become educated in the jail school.

'Prison has now turned into a reformatory'
Mohammad Akram Khan, the jail superintendent of Kannauj jail, who has inspired the illiterate prisoners to study, says that in the present times, the jail has now turned into a reformatory. Now we have to work on two important aspects. One is custodial and the other is reformatory. We have to work on the part of reformation as well. Our endeavour should be that the prisoners who have come to the jail should be taught something that changes their mentality and thinking. 

'Don't commit crime again after going out'
He also said that when the prisoners come out of jail, they should live peacefully in the society as good citizens. They should earn their livelihood honestly by working hard. They should not commit crime again after going out. With this objective, various types of programs are being organized. In this series, we are giving special emphasis on education and literacy. Because education and literacy are very important for the mental development of a person. Despite being illiterate, these prisoners are studying hard in the jail. 
