
Jerusalem. Fierce fighting continues between the Israeli army and Palestinian fighters in Gaza's largest refugee area Jabalia. The Israeli army is attacking fighters and populated areas with tanks and armored vehicles and the fighters are responding with anti-tank rockets and mortars. Five Israeli soldiers have been killed and seven injured in Israeli tank shelling in Jabalia due to misunderstanding.

Israeli forces advancing towards Rafah

Meanwhile, fighting continues in Rafah and the Israeli army is slowly advancing there. About six lakh homeless Palestinians are reported to have left Rafah and moved to other places. In the seven-month long battle, the Israeli army equipped with modern weapons has not been able to defeat the fighters of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

More than 35 thousand Palestinians died

Israel has said that its military operation will stop only after Hamas is eliminated from Gaza, while the US has said that Israel's goal is difficult and it may take many more months to achieve it. Palestinian fighters are suddenly attacking Israeli soldiers from underground tunnels in Gaza and then disappearing. A total of 35,272 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza so far in Israeli attacks in the seven-month war.

Five Israeli soldiers killed in Israeli tank shelling

According to ANI, five Israeli army soldiers were killed and seven injured in a mistaken firing in Gaza's Jabalia refugee area on Wednesday. All these were members of the battalion of the Paratroopers Brigade sent to deal with Hamas fighters in this area. The soldiers were killed and injured after being hit by two shells fired from a tank of this brigade.

Relief material from America will reach Gaza easily

Due to Egypt closing the route for relief material, there is now a shortage of food for the Palestinians in Gaza. The ship carrying relief material from European countries is still on its way. Meanwhile, the US Army has prepared a floating pier (platform for unloading goods in the middle of the sea) in the Mediterranean Sea near Gaza. Now relief material from America will be able to reach Gaza easily.  

shot dead on suspicion

On Thursday, an Israeli soldier shot a man in the West Bank on the mere suspicion of being a threat. This man named David Ben-Avraham had converted to Judaism several years ago after leaving Islam. He was originally a Palestinian. A large number of Israelis looked at him with suspicion. One such soldier shot and killed David. Apart from this, Israeli security forces have shot and killed two more Palestinians in the area.  

