
New Delhi. International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on 21 June. This day was started with the aim of spreading awareness about the importance of yoga. This practice has become quite popular all over the world for some time now. People are including yoga in their daily routine to improve their physical and mental health. In such a situation, different programs are organized all over the world on the occasion of Yoga Day. In such a situation, today in this article we will tell you some interesting and unheard things about yoga and its history.

what is yoga?

Yoga is a spiritual discipline based on subtle science, which plays an important role in bringing harmony between mind and body. It is the art and science of living a healthy and stress-free life. According to the Ministry of External Affairs, the word 'yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit word 'yuj', which means 'to join' or 'to unite'. According to yogic texts, practicing yoga unites the soul with the divine. It brings harmony between mind, body and nature. Overall, it can be said that the main purpose of yoga is to overcome all the difficulties of life and attain self-realization.

History of Yoga

Even though yoga is very popular at present, its history is many years old. It is believed that the practice of yoga started with the beginning of civilization. The origin of yoga is believed to be thousands of years old. It is considered to be older than any religion or faith. In yoga lore, Lord Shiva is called the first yogi or Adiyogi.

Thousands of years ago, Adiyogi imparted his profound knowledge to the Saptarishis on the banks of the Kantisarovar Lake in the Himalayas and these sages then spread the knowledge of yoga to various parts of the world including Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and South America. Even though the history of yoga is found in different parts of the world, its roots are actually connected to India.

Yoga has its roots in India

Yoga figures have also been found in seals and fossil remains from the Indus Valley Civilization, which proves the presence of yoga in ancient India. Apart from this, the symbols of the idols of the Mother Goddess and seals point towards Tantra Yoga. Apart from ancient civilizations, the presence of yoga is also seen in folk traditions, Indus Valley Civilization, Vedic and Upanishads, Buddhist and Jain traditions, Mahabharata and Ramayana epics, theistic traditions of Shaivas, Vaishnavas and Tantric traditions.

How did 'Surya Namaskar' originate?

Whenever it comes to yoga, 'Surya Namaskar' is definitely mentioned. However, very few people know about its origin. Sun was of great importance in the Vedic period. This is why the practice of 'Surya Namaskar' was invented. Even though yoga has been practiced since pre-Vedic times, the great sage Maharishi Patanjali gave birth to the practices and meaning of modern yoga. After Patanjali, many saints and yoga gurus contributed greatly to the preservation and development of yoga.

Modern era of yoga

The modern period of age-old yoga is considered to be the period between 1700 - 1900 AD. During this period, great yoga teachers like Raman Maharshi, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Paramahamsa Yogananda, Vivekananda etc. contributed to the development of Raja Yoga. Also, this was the period when Vedanta, Bhakti Yoga, Nath Yoga or Hatha Yoga also flourished.

Yoga at present

Yoga, which has been benefiting people since ancient times, is currently being taught in many prestigious yoga institutes, colleges, universities, private trusts, societies, etc. Many yoga clinics, yoga therapy and training centers have been established with the aim of attracting people towards it and spreading its benefits to people for social welfare. From ancient times to today, many great yoga gurus have preserved and propagated it, which is currently being benefited by millions of people around the world. Yoga is still flourishing today, and is becoming more vibrant every day.
