
New Delhi. With increasing age, doctors often recommend taking multivitamins. Due to improper diet, the body needs to take essential nutrients from outside in the form of supplements to function properly. If it is very important for you, then definitely consume them, but if you can keep your diet correct and balanced, then you can say goodbye to these multivitamins.

There are many such superfoods which are rich in so many vitamins and minerals that by consuming them supplements can be easily reduced. Let us know about 10 such superfoods whose balanced consumption can help you stop taking multivitamins


This is a superfood full of good anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, which everyone should include in their diet. It is a natural sweetener, so even diabetics can consume it in limited quantities.


It is an excellent anti-fungal, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial agent. It improves digestion and is also a panacea for eye health as it is rich in vitamin A.


Apart from being anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory, a compound called hesperidin is also found in oranges, which has anti-cancer properties.


Boiled mushrooms are a natural antibiotic. It is also anti-histamine and anti-serotonin, which contains vitamins D and B along with copper and selenium.


It contains 5 times more vitamin C than oranges and is very beneficial in weight loss, constipation, heart, blood sugar level and during periods.


Rich in calcium, vitamin B12, protein, eggs are a powerhouse of all nutrients along with energy for everyone.

Dry Fruits

Rich in protein, iron, magnesium, fibre, healthy fats and lots of vitamins, dry fruits are a great source of instant energy.


Eating spinach which is rich in iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, folate and vitamin A prevents anemia and also helps in the proper development of children.

Sweet potato

Sweet potato, rich in vitamin A, C, B6, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, potassium, copper and manganese, keeps blood sugar level under control and strengthens the digestive system.

Liver Meat

It can be called a natural multivitamin. The vitamins and minerals present in it can hardly be compared with any other superfood. It contains healthy fat, iron, vitamin B, zinc, copper and folate.
