
In diabetes, there is a need to pay more attention to diet than medicine. In diabetes, your body is not able to produce or use the insulin hormone properly. Due to this, too much glucose builds up in the blood and you become a victim of diabetes. 

The number of diabetes patients is increasing all over the world including India. Diabetic patients are advised to take special care of their diet and eating habits because even small carelessness can increase their sugar level. Here we will tell you what things should not be consumed to keep blood sugar under control. 

There are two types of diabetes:

Type 1 diabetes  – This is a condition in which your body cannot produce insulin at all and is also known as juvenile diabetes because it usually occurs in children and teenagers but can also occur in adults. In this, your immune system itself starts attacking the insulin-producing cells and destroys them. This is why type 1 diabetes is known as an autoimmune condition.

Type 2 diabetes  – This type of diabetes occurs when the body does not produce the insulin it needs or cannot use the insulin as it should. Type 2 is not an auto-immune condition. In this, your body is not able to make enough insulin or is not able to use it properly. It can happen for many reasons.

Of the total cases of diabetes worldwide, 8 percent are suffering from type 1 diabetes and 90 percent are suffering from type 2.

  1. Trans Fat

People suffering from diabetes should control the intake of fat and oil in their food because it can increase their risk of heart disease. There are two types of trans fat, one is found in animals, which is very harmful to humans. On the other hand, the synthetic ones are hydrogenated vegetable oils and these are also very dangerous. In such a situation, it is advised to avoid both these trans fats because you may have to suffer serious consequences.

2. Fruits with high glycemic index

In diabetes, one should always consume fruits with low glycemic value and avoid fruits with high glycemic index. If the glycemic index of a fruit is high then it means that it has more carbs. If it is less then it means that it has fewer carbs.

The glycemic index is used to measure how quickly a food raises your sugar levels. The higher the GI, the greater the effect on sugar.

Fruits like berries, grapefruit, peach, pear, orange, and apricot have low glycemic index. Whereas watermelon and pineapple have high glycemic index.

3. Refined flour:
Refined flour can be very dangerous for diabetes. After going inside the body, it rapidly gets converted into glucose which increases the blood sugar. Therefore, diabetic patients should avoid consuming things made from refined flour.

4. Fried Foods
Fried foods contain high amounts of fat. Fat is digested slowly so it can cause a rise in blood sugar. Diabetic patients should avoid consuming fried foods. 

5. alcohol

People with diabetes should avoid alcohol as it is one of the worst foods for diabetic patients. Consuming it on an empty stomach may put you at risk of low glucose levels. People need to avoid or limit alcohol consumption, because if your sugar goes low then it can be a dangerous situation.

6.Too much salt

 Foods rich in salt are considered to be the worst food for diabetes and a major cause of high blood pressure. Even if someone has diabetes or not, people should consume limited amounts of sodium in their daily diet. Here let us tell you that excess salt means snacks other than food like potato chips, French fries, and other food,d items. These harm your health and you should avoid them.
