
It is important to take care of many things to keep health good. Along with good food, it is also very important to take care of the digestive system to improve your health. Our digestive system affects our health to a great extent. In such a situation, if there is any problem related to digestion, then the entire health can deteriorate.


Poor diet, lack of water, lack of physical activity, stress and anxiety can often cause gas problems. Passing gas is a biological process that removes the gas formed during the digestive process from the body. However, many people consider releasing gas an uncomfortable experience. Also, there is a common belief that doing so is not considered good manners and due to this people often suppress it, which is very wrong from the health point of view.


Disadvantages of not releasing gas

Holding gas can cause stomach pain, indigestion and even affect the heart. Bloating occurs due to excessive gas formation . Gas problems can also begin due to any disturbance in the movement of the muscles of the digestive system. Therefore, to avoid gas, one should drink adequate amount of water, eat probiotics like curd, stay away from carbonated drinks and avoid eating such foods which produce too much gas. Let us know some easy tips to get relief from the problem of gas-


Tips to get relief from gas-

  • As soon as gas starts, chew 2 to 3 basil leaves or boil basil leaves and then drink it slowly by sipping. This provides relief from gas, cramps, diarrhea and stomach pain.
  • Drink 6 ml garlic juice with honey. Crush and grind the garlic. Filter and extract its juice. Then add honey to it and drink it. This gives instant relief from gas.
  • Drink fennel ginger tea. Peel and crush ginger. Boil water and add ginger to it. Now add fennel and cover it. Add honey and filter. Fennel ginger tea is ready. Fennel relieves stomach muscles and provides relief from problems like bloating, gas, acidity.
  • Mix ¼ tablespoon celery powder, ½ teaspoon rock salt, 1 pinch asafoetida, 1 tablespoon cumin powder, ¼ tablespoon black salt in half a glass of water. Drink it 15 minutes after eating. This also provides relief from gas and bloating.