After former MLA Champion, now MLA Umesh Kumar's arms license has also been suspended by the District Magistrate Haridwar in the Uttarakhand firing case. Former BJP MLA Kunwar Pranav Singh Champion, arrested on charges of firing at the Roorkee camp office of independent MLA Umesh Kumar from Khanpur in Haridwar district, has been sent to 14-day judicial custody on Monday. Meanwhile, on the basis of the case filed by Champion's wife Kunwarani Devyani, arrested MLA Umesh Kumar was released on bail by the court. After the release of Umesh Kumar, his arms license has been suspended.
There was a war going on on social media
It is known that in the state assembly elections held in the year 2022, Umesh Kumar defeated Champion's wife in Khanpur area. Since then there has been tension between the two leaders. Before the firing incident, there was a war of words going on between the two leaders on social media for a long time.
Things got worse between the two
The latest case between the two leaders is related to the municipal elections. Umesh Kumar had supported a female independent candidate in Roorkee. That independent candidate lost the municipal elections. Mocking the defeat in the election, former MLA Champion made fun of Umesh Kumar by writing an indecent post on social media. After this, the matter between the two worsened further.
Sticks and batons were used first
Umesh Kumar is a journalist turned politician. The long standing tension between the two leaders of Khanpur area took a violent turn on Sunday evening when Champion reached Kumar's camp office with his supporters. There, a clash broke out between the supporters of both and lathis were used.
Champion did air firing
During this, Champion also fired one or two rounds in the air. This created a stir there. The video of this incident also went viral on social media. It is being told that after getting information about the incident, MLA Umesh Kumar also reached Champion's office with his supporters and created a ruckus there and allegedly used abusive language.
Umesh Kumar was challenging with a pistol
Police said that during this time Umesh Kumar was challenging Champion with his pistol and the police force had to face a lot of difficulty in stopping him. Meanwhile, Haridwar police arrested Champion from Dehradun and brought him to Ranipur police station late Sunday night and in the morning he was produced in the court of judicial magistrate.
Champion sent to 14-day judicial custody
Public Prosecutor Rinku Verma said that Champion has been sent to judicial custody for 14 days. The court also rejected Champion's bail plea. Champion's supporters standing outside got angry after he was sent to jail and they created a ruckus and shouted slogans.
A case has been registered under sections of attempt to murder
Champion's lawyer Gopal Chaturvedi said that no one was even scratched in the incident, but the police have registered a case against him under serious sections like attempt to murder. On the other hand, MLA Umesh Kumar, who was arrested on the case filed by Devyani against the MLA, was produced in the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate Avinash Kumar in Roshanabad, who granted him bail on the basis of two sureties of Rs 40,000 each and a personal bond of the same amount.