
The effect of heat is already visible. There is scorching heat all over the country, people are struggling to cope with the scorching heat. In such a situation, there is a need to take special care of children. The Indian Meteorological Department has also warned that there will be heat waves in many places from April to June. Therefore, the Public Health Department has advised that people should avoid going out during the day, especially between 12:00 and 4:00 pm. Experts have warned that children should take extra care during summer holidays as the heat increases during this period. Children are more at risk due to extreme heat because during this time they may suffer from dehydration, due to which they may fall very ill.

Due to the heat, dehydration occurs rapidly because the body loses more water through sweat than it drinks. Since children's sweat glands are not fully developed, they may have some problems regulating body temperature compared to adults. Another reason why children are at greater risk during summer is their body size. Due to overheating of children's bodies, they are more likely to absorb heat. However, parents can protect their children from dehydration in summer by taking some simple measures. Let us know about them.

These symptoms can be seen in children due to heat stroke-

-Increased body temperature

-Sudden increase in heartbeat



-feeling tired all the time


-Cramps of hands and legs

Keep hydrated-

Encourage your children to drink water frequently and carry water bottles with them when they go out. Also, do not give sugary and artificial carbohydrate soft drinks to the child.

Wear light clothes-

Clothes like cotton and linen help in keeping the body temperature cool. In such a situation, make your children wear light clothes during summer.

Do not run the fan in hot weather-

According to a study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, avoid running fans during rising temperatures. In case of a heatwave, the fan does not cool the air, rather it keeps circulating the hot air inside the room, due to which the child's body temperature can increase instead of remaining balanced. Run like this at normal temperature.

Minimize going out-

Encourage indoor activities during the hottest parts of the day. Hats and umbrellas can be used to reduce direct exposure to outdoor activities.

Consult a doctor-

If symptoms such as headache, breathing problems, dizziness or decreased urination occur, immediately consult a medical professional. Also, educate children about such symptoms and explain to them how to deal with problems caused by heat exposure.
