
New Delhi. Lauki Juice Benefits: Lauki is also known as Dudhi, Pumpkin, Ghiya and Kailash Lauki. Lauki is said to be a healthy vegetable, the consumption of which is beneficial in many ways. Many delicious dishes are made from lauki. Some people like the taste of lauki, while some people eat it for health benefits.

In such a situation, if you do not like to consume gourd directly, then you can consume it in the form of juice. Many nutrients like carbohydrates, calories, protein, fats, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, zinc are found in gourd. Therefore, its juice can be healthy in many ways. Let us know about the benefits of gourd juice.

Heart health improves

Cholesterol level can be controlled by consuming gourd juice daily which is rich in various nutrients. Along with this, blood pressure also remains under control, which reduces the risk of heart related diseases.

Digestive power remains healthy

Bottle gourd juice, which is rich in dietary fiber, boosts digestion power. Therefore, its daily consumption is very beneficial for the digestive system. It provides relief from digestive problems like vomiting, diarrhea, constipation and indigestion .


Strengthens the immune system

Bottle gourd juice, rich in vitamin C, strengthens the immune system , thereby reducing the risk of diseases caused by infection.

Helps in weight loss

Consuming bottle gourd juice, which is rich in high fiber, makes the stomach feel full for a long time, which reduces hunger and helps in weight loss.

Brightens the skin

Daily consumption of gourd juice rich in antioxidants brings natural glow to the face.

Improves mental health

Choline found in gourd is a neurotransmitter, which helps in increasing brain cells and curing mental disorders. Consuming it regularly can prevent stress, anxiety and depression.

Lowers blood sugar level

The high fiber and water found in gourd juice is very beneficial for diabetes patients. It helps in controlling blood sugar level.
