
Everyone wants to stay fit. People do not know what all they do to stay slim. But due to bad eating habits, lifestyle and diseases, the problem of weight gain is being seen in most people. To lose weight, people sweat for hours in the gym. Apart from this, many people change their diet. Both cycling and jogging are considered to be the best exercises for losing weight. But the question is, which among cycling and jogging burns more calories and can prove to be better for you? Let's know in detail.


Jogging Burns Calories

Jogging is an effective aerobic exercise. Most parts of the body work while jogging. It is especially good for those who want to lose weight quickly. If you jog at high speed every day, then it reduces your weight rapidly. It also increases the working capacity of the lungs and improves heart health. You can understand this way that if someone weighs 70 kg and if he jogs at a moderate speed, then about 470 calories are burnt per hour.


Burn calories by cycling

The effect of cycling is slightly less. Because this is an exercise that does not put much pressure on your joints. If you weigh 70 kg and you cycle at normal speed, then 300-400 calories are burnt per hour.


Which is more beneficial for losing weight?

Jogging helps burn more calories in less time . It is better for those who need to lose weight fast. Cycling, especially if done at a fast pace or uphill, can also burn as many calories as jogging. Also, it puts less pressure on the joints and is easier to do for a longer period of time.


What to choose between cycling and jogging

If you have joint pain or injury, then cycling may be better for you. But if you want to lose weight fast, then choose jogging. Because this will keep your whole body active. The pressure on your entire muscles will increase which can reduce weight in a few days and make you slim. Even if you jog a few days a week and cycle a few days, you can get better results.