
Lifestyle Desk, New Delhi. Indian spices are a storehouse of nutrition. There is something or the other found in every spice, which is very beneficial for health. Cumin is a main spice among these spices. Cumin is actually a fruit, but after drying it takes the form of a seed. Its special aroma enhances the taste of food. Although it is necessary to add cumin to almost every vegetable in North India, but apart from enhancing the taste of food, it has many other benefits.

Cumin water is also used by boiling cumin in water and filtering it. It is beneficial in many ways for overall health. Mainly cumin water is very helpful in keeping digestion healthy. Let us know some more such benefits of cumin water-

benefits of drinking cumin water

  • A chemical called thymol is found in cumin water, which improves digestion and also provides relief from acidity, bloating and gas problems.
  • It is used as a pain killer during stomach ache.
  • Cumin water is an excellent source of iron and dietary fiber. Cumin water is very important in maintaining the normal functioning of the immune system. It increases the ability to fight diseases and prevents frequent illness.
  • Cumin water is also very beneficial for diabetes patients. Consuming it on an empty stomach in the morning keeps the sugar level under control.
  • There are many nutrients found in cumin water, which strengthen the hair and nourish the hair roots. It also prevents hair fall and reduces hair thinning.
  • Cumin water cleanses the skin and makes it feel fresh. The potassium, selenium, copper and manganese present in it nourish the skin and bring glow.
  • Adding lemon to cumin water works as an excellent medicine for GERD (acid reflux). It burns fat, which reduces weight and also detoxifies the body.
