
New Delhi. According to Hindu beliefs, the Chaturmas starts from Devshayani Ekadashi in the month of Ashadh. This is the date on which Lord Vishnu goes to rest in the Kshir Sagar and after this he wakes up from sleep again on the Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Kartik month. Therefore, this date is celebrated as Devuthani Ekadashi. The period between these two Ekadashi is called Chaturmas, which is a period of about 4 months.

Do sadhana at one place

According to Jain tradition, the time from Ashadhi Purnima to Kartik Purnima is called Chaturmas. Paryushan, the most important festival of Jainism, is also celebrated during Chaturmas. While the followers of Jainism walk on foot throughout the year and preach the teachings of non-violence and truth among the devotees, during Chaturmas, Jain monks stay at a place and observe fasts, observe silence, meditate, etc.
Because Chaturmas is the time of rain and during this period new life is being infused in nature. During this time many types of insects, microscopic organisms which are not visible to the eyes are most active. Therefore, it is believed in Jainism that excessive movement of humans can harm these organisms and Jainism gives importance to non-violence. This is the reason why during Chaturmas, Jain followers stay at one place and do sadhana.
Just like Jainism, Chaturmas is also considered to be of special importance in Buddhism. Buddhism also considers non-violence supreme, so the followers of Buddhism follow many rules during the 4-month period of Chaturmas. According to which, sages and saints worship by staying at one place to attain knowledge.