
According to the Vedic calendar, today i.e. 18th September is Bhadrapad Purnima. A day before this, Bhadrapad Purnima fast has been kept. Lunar eclipse will occur on 18th September (grahan kab lagega). This day is the last lunar eclipse of the year. Lunar eclipse occurs due to the presence of the Sun between the Earth and the Moon. At this time, the effect of Rahu-Ketu increases on the Earth. For this, auspicious work during eclipse is prohibited in the scriptures. Ignoring it has an adverse effect on the person. Let us know what to do and what not to do during lunar eclipse -


When will the lunar eclipse occur?

According to astrologers, the second lunar eclipse of the year is going to take place on September 18. On September 18, the lunar eclipse will start at 06:12 am Indian time and will end at 10:17 am. The lunar eclipse will not be visible in India. Sutak will not be valid for this. However, avoid these things at the time of eclipse . At the same time, take a bath and meditate after the eclipse. After this, worship Lord Vishnu with rituals. After this, donate according to your financial condition.

What not to do

  • Do not perform any puja or touch the idols of gods and goddesses during the lunar eclipse. In the scriptures, touching the idols of Gods during eclipse is prohibited. Chant the names of gods and goddesses during this time.
  • According to astrologers, the effect of Rahu on Earth increases during a lunar eclipse. Therefore, do not cook food during the eclipse. Eating is also prohibited at this time. Therefore, avoid eating during the eclipse. Sick people, children and pregnant women are allowed to eat if required.
  • One should not sleep during the eclipse. Therefore, do not sleep during the lunar eclipse. Doing so can have a bad effect on health.
  • Do not use sharp objects during the lunar eclipse. Avoid using scissors, knives and needles at this time. Also, avoid visiting crematoriums and negative places during the eclipse.

What to do

  • Chant the names of Lord Vishnu during the lunar eclipse. Along with this, chant the Mahamrityunjaya mantra. By doing this, the blessings of Lord Vishnu shower on the person.
  • After the eclipse, take a bath and meditate. Purify the house by sprinkling Gangajal. After this, worship Lord Vishnu or Mahadev as per the rituals.
  • After the eclipse, take a bath, meditate and do puja and donate according to your financial condition. You can donate whole grains.
