New Delhi. Chanakya Niti Tips: Acharya Chanakya's Niti Shastra works to inspire humans. Along with this, this book also describes those principles, by adopting which a person can see many positive changes in his life. Before building a house, a person takes care of many things according to his convenience. At the same time, Acharya Chanakya has also described some such places in his Niti Shastra, where a house should never be built. In such a situation, let us know which are those places.
keep this in mind
It is mentioned in the ethics that a person should never build a house at a place where there is no means of earning money for livelihood. Because this can become the cause of lifelong problems for you. Therefore, always choose a place where sources of income are available.
Difficulties may increase
According to Acharya Chanakya, a person should avoid building a house at a place where there is no fear of public shame or law. Because this can also create problems for you in the future. Therefore, before building a house, investigate the place thoroughly.