Lucknow. Amul has decided to increase the price of milk by two rupees per liter. Amul Gold, which was available at Rs 66 per liter, will be available at Rs 68 per liter from Monday. However, Parag Gold milk will be available to customers at Rs 66 per liter only. Deliberations are going on regarding its increase too.
Due to the increasing heat, milk production is decreasing. In such a situation, other milk producing companies can also increase the price of milk.
At the same time, according to news agency Pretr, Jayen Mehta, Managing Director of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), which sells milk under the name Amul, said that due to increase in milk production and operation cost, the price has to be increased. Amul Gold has become Rs 33 and Amul Shakti has become Rs 30. The price has been increased by 3-4 percent, which is less than the average food inflation. We have not increased the price in major markets since February 2023.