UP News: BJP MLA Yogesh Verma from Sadar seat, who came into the news after the slapping incident in Lakhimpur Kheri, Uttar Pradesh, has met CM Yogi Adityanath. The picture of this meeting has also surfaced. Many other MLAs were also present during the meeting of these two. The picture of this meeting has been released by the Chief Minister's Office through social media.
Actually, a video of a fight had surfaced during the election of Urban Cooperative Bank Management Committee of Lakhimpur Kheri, Uttar Pradesh. In this, Bar Association President Awadhesh Singh slapped MLA Yogesh Verma, after which supporters of both the factions clashed with each other. After this incident, the BJP MLA was said to be angry due to no action being taken against those who slapped him.
After this, the state leadership had issued notices to four party workers in the case of assault on MLA Yogesh Verma. These included former president of Urban Cooperative Bank Pushpa Singh and her husband and active BJP member Awadhesh Singh, party's district vice-president Anil Yadav and former co-convener of 'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao' Jyoti Shukla.
BJP MLAs were angry
. All these four leaders were expelled from the party. Angry at the lack of action in the fight that took place on 9 October in Lakhimpur, BJP MLA Yogesh Verma had returned the two gunmen who were provided for his security. When the police officers came to know about this, there was a stir. The BJP MLA did not even participate in the assembly session. Now he has met CM Yogi in Lucknow on Saturday.
Sharing the picture, the CM office wrote, ' MLA of Sadar Assembly of Lakhimpur Kheri Yogesh Verma, MLA of Nighasan Assembly Shashank Verma, MLA of Srinagar Assembly Manju Tyagi, MLA of Kasta Assembly Constituency Saurabh Singh 'Sonu', MLA of Gola Gokarnath Assembly Constituency Aman Giri, MLA of Dhaurahra Assembly Constituency Vinod Shankar Awasthi made a courtesy visit to Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in Lucknow today.'