
New Delhi. During Gupt Navratri, there is a rule to worship the 10 Mahavidyas secretly, hence it is known as Gupt Navratri. This worship is mainly done by Aghoris and Tantrikas. It is also said that the more secretly the worship of Mahavidyas is done, the more benefits are gained.

This year Ashadh Gupt Navratri has started from 06th July, Saturday, which will continue till 15th July, 2024. In such a situation, you can increase your good fortune by chanting the mantras of Maa Durga on this special date. 

om Jata juta samayuktamardhendu krita lakshanaam|lochantraya sanyuktaam padmendusadyashaanaam.

Pindaja pravara chandakopastruta.prasidam tanute mahin chandraghantatiruta.

Pindaja pravararudha chandakapaskaryuta.prasidam tanute mahayam chandraghanteti vishruta.

Hrim Shivayai Namah:

Hrim Sri Ambikayai Namah:

Aim Srim Shaktayai Namah:

Aim Hree Devayai Namah

Hrim Klim Swaminyai Namah:

Klim Sri Trinetraai Namah:

Klin Aim Sri Kalikaayai Namah:

Sri Klim Hrim Varadayai Namah:

Hrim Klim Aim Siddhaye Namah
O auspicious, auspicious, Shiva, achiever of all purposes.

O protector of the three worlds, O Gauri, O Narayani, I offer my obeisances unto thee.

The goddess who is situated in the form of power in all beings,

Namasthasyai, namasthasyai, namasthasyai, namasthasyai.

The goddess who is situated in the form of Lakshmi in all beings,

Namasthasyai, namasthasyai, namasthasyai, namasthasyai.

The goddess who is satisfied with all beings,

Namasthasyai, namasthasyai, namasthasyai, namasthasyai.

The goddess who is situated in the form of mother in all beings,

Namasthasyai, namasthasyai, namasthasyai, namasthasyai.
