Gyanpur (Bhadohi). Samajwadi Party's state president Shyamlal Pal said that in the Lok Sabha elections, the party lost the Bhadohi parliamentary seat only because of the election symbol. If the SP's election symbol had been here instead of the Trinamool Congress (TMC) which is part of the Indy alliance, then it would have won by a big margin. He said this while talking to journalists at an establishment in Gyanpur town during a meeting with workers in the district on Sunday.
He said that all the voters who voted for the Samajwadi Party got confused about the election symbol. They could not understand the election symbol of two branches and six leaves. He said that now the organization has started preparing for the assembly elections of the year 2027. The party will fight the elections strongly and will win. In the Lok Sabha elections, SP is in first place by winning the maximum number of seats in the state. SP has emerged as the third largest party with 44 seats.
Answer given regarding alliance in assembly elections
On the question of contesting the assembly elections in alliance, he said that this is the decision of the top leadership. The elections will be contested on the basis of the decision taken by the top leadership. Before this, while holding a meeting of workers at the party office, he called upon everyone to work wholeheartedly in the preparation of the assembly elections.
While encouraging the workers, he said that no rigging should be allowed in the elections. Due to constant monitoring, no one will be able to commit any fraud. He appreciated the hard work of the workers in the Lok Sabha elections. He gave the message to move forward with the same enthusiasm. On this occasion, SP District President Pradeep Yadav, MLA Bhadohi Zahid Beg, Hriday Narayan Prajapati, Mohd. Arif Siddiqui, Shobhnath Yadav, Vikas Yadav and other workers were present.