
Nairobi: The fifth annual International Clean Air Day was observed on Saturday, calling for massive investment to tackle air pollution. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that apart from its impact on human health, pollution is also choking economies. It is warming our planet, adding fuel to the fire of the climate crisis.

Pollution becomes the second major risk factor for early death

Today, more than 99 percent of the population is breathing polluted air, leading to more than 8 million annual deaths. These include more than 700,000 children under the age of five. Polluted air is having a more adverse effect on women, children and older people.

Air pollution has become the second leading risk factor for early death globally, overtaking tobacco for adults and second only to malnutrition for children under five.

Less than one percent of international development funding is dedicated to tackling air pollution, despite its growing economic, environmental and existential impact. It costs the world $8.1 trillion each year in health damages alone.

Investment needed for clean air

Led by the United Nations Environment Programme, this year's theme focuses on investing in clean air for a healthier and more prosperous future for people and the planet. The UN Secretary-General said that investing in clean air requires a phase-out of fossil fuels by both governments and businesses.

There is also a need to strengthen air quality monitoring, enforce standards, promote renewable energy, build waste management systems and reduce harmful emissions, including methane.

