
New Delhi. A person in China lost his eye because he killed a fly on his face. Actually, what happened was that a person named Wu was sitting somewhere in China when a fly came and sat on his face. He killed the buzzing fly. But after an hour he saw that his left eye had become red and swollen.

Suddenly, he started having pain in his eyes and he immediately went to the doctor. He explained the problem and the doctor gave him medicine. But even after taking the medicine, the pain in his eyes increased instead of decreasing and his condition worsened even after taking the medicine.

There was no effect of taking the medicine

According to the South China Morning Post (SCMP), a man living in Shenzhen, Guangdong, a southern province of China, was told by his doctor that he had eye pain during the summer season. But after taking medicine, his pain did not subside and he started having trouble seeing.

The doctor said that the eye pain is due to an infected fly 

When he went back to another doctor, he found out that the fly he had killed was an infected fly, which had infected his eye. Now the infection could not be cured with medication as a severe ulcer had formed in his eye. At the same time, there was a danger of the infection spreading to Wu's brain, and so doctors had to remove his entire left eye.

Doctors gave this advice

According to the South China Morning Post, doctors said that the infection that the young man got was caused by a drain-dwelling insect that looks like a fly. Whose larvae often live in water. These insects are usually found in dark, damp places in homes such as bathrooms, bathtubs, sinks and kitchens. At the same time, doctors say that when an insect flies near your eyes, instead of hitting it on the body, remove it gently and then wash the touched area with clean water or saline solution.

