
Gorakhpur: After the intense heat at the end of July, the first fortnight of August has kept the heat under control to some extent through intermittent rains. The good news is that this trend will continue throughout August.

The rain will keep on raining intermittently throughout August, which will continue to bring relief from the heat. As soon as the heat rises, it will be defeated by rain. Meteorologist Kailash Pandey says that the atmospheric conditions are ready for this and is predicting divisional rain in Gorakhpur and nearby districts from 20th August.

The meteorologist said that a belt of low air pressure has formed starting from Rajasthan through Madhya Pradesh to the Bay of Bengal. Its intensity is highest over the Bay of Bengal.

In one to two days, the effect of this intensity will reach eastern Uttar Pradesh via Jharkhand and will cause divisional rainfall. Meanwhile, sporadic rainfall will continue at different places, which will provide relief from the humid heat from time to time.
