
New Delhi: The plan to meet old friends for a long time  was finally finalized last weekend. Taking time out from the hustle and bustle of life, all the friends agreed except one. When asked the reason, he said that there is so much pressure of work that it is difficult to manage time and secondly he has to work in night shift. Both the reasons were valid, but still we tried almost everything to include him in the plan, but the matter could not be settled.

When we invited another friend to the society for Teej celebration, she too refused without even a minute citing her office workload.

These reasons for the two friends not coming are not excuses, but the truth. This is what most working professionals are facing these days. This way of working may make them progress in their professional life, but in their personal life, such people are becoming victims of loneliness.          

Recently a Microsoft engineer was seen driving an auto on the streets of Bangalore. When the 35-year-old engineer was asked the reason for this, he said that he does this to overcome his loneliness. 

The way of working is making people lonely

The never-ending targets and untimely shifts have ruined the personal lives of working professionals. To fulfil targets, one has to stay in the office for many hours beyond one's shift and if it is a night shift, then the daytime is spent in catching up on sleep . One is unable to eat or drink on time, nor is there any activity and social life almost comes to an end. Due to this, loneliness is increasing among people.

advantages and disadvantages of loneliness

Some time of loneliness is necessary in a day, which is also called me time. It works to recharge the body and mind, but continuous loneliness starts pushing a person towards stress and depression. Personal life is already over, gradually it starts affecting professional life as well . Productivity starts falling. Boredom starts to set in at work and when promotion is not received even after giving 100%, then irritation also starts increasing.

How to overcome the problem of loneliness?

  • Work as much as you can. 
  • Don't say yes to everything just to prove yourself in the office.
  • Give yourself time after completing your shift.
  • Make time for your favorite things.
  • If you are unable to meet friends, then talk to them over phone or video call.
  • Instead of spending weekends sleeping at home or watching TV, attend social gatherings.

All these activities make it easier to deal with loneliness.
