
New Delhi. Relationship Problems: Relationships are an important part of life. They make us feel love, support and happiness. Among all these relationships, your relationship with your life partner is the most precious and special. However, this relationship also needs the most care. Sometimes due to very small things, a crack appears in it, which becomes impossible to fill. Many times due to these reasons, the relationship also reaches the verge of breaking. This can happen due to many reasons. In this article, we will talk about the things that can spoil your relationship.

lack of communication

Communication is the basis of any relationship. If you do not communicate openly with your partner, they will start having difficulty in understanding your feelings and you will have difficulty in understanding theirs. This also leads to misunderstanding and tension, due to which the relationship gradually starts weakening.


Mistrust is fatal for any relationship. If you don't trust your partner, your relationship will never be strong. Mistrust can lead to fights, tension and even breakup or divorce. So learn to trust your partner.

expect too much

It is quite natural to have some expectations from your partner, but when you expect too much from them, it can spoil your relationship. Remember that no one person can fulfill all your needs. So keep your expectations realistic.

lack of respect

Respecting each other is the foundation of any relationship . If you do not respect your partner, your relationship will not last long. Similarly, if your partner does not respect you, the relationship will also end soon. Therefore, it is important to give importance to your partner's thoughts and feelings in any relationship.

Cold Emotions

When you become indifferent towards your partner, that is, your love for them starts to fade away, it can spoil your relationship. Love is the basis of any relationship. If you do not feel love and affection towards your partner, your relationship can break down. This applies to your partner as well.


Negativity is poison for any relationship. If you always think negatively, you will feel tense and dissatisfied with your partner. Due to this, a tension gradually develops in the relationship and the bond of love breaks.


Fights are a normal part of any relationship. However, if you fight constantly, it can ruin your relationship. If during a fight, you are hurting your partner emotionally, then your relationship can weaken.


Changes keep happening in life. If you are not able to cope with the changes with your partner, it can spoil your relationship. So try to adapt yourself with time.

Comparison to other people

Comparing your partner to others can ruin your relationship. Remember that every person is different and your partner is special in their own way.


Selfishness is the enemy of any relationship. If you only think about yourself and do not understand your partner's feelings, your relationship may break.

These are some things that can spoil your relationship. If you avoid these things, you can make your relationship strong and healthy. Remember that efforts are needed to keep any relationship strong and it will require efforts from both the parties.
