
New Delhi: Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene of the house is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. There are many people who are unable to clean daily, in such a situation the house starts getting messy and then their mental peace also starts getting disturbed.

What is rage cleaning?

Due to not finding the necessary things at the right place, not cleaning clothes and not dusting, dust not only affects your health but also has a great impact on your mental health. In such a situation, rage cleaning is helpful, which means that you clean quickly in anger, which leads to more cleaning in less time.

Why is cleaning done like this?

There can be many reasons for rage cleaning such as the house being dirty all the time, being forced to clean the dirt made by someone else, not getting any help from anyone during cleaning, not being able to do any important work due to dirt, not getting credit even after doing the work, etc. These things invite anger due to which a person starts cleaning everything in a hurry and takes a sigh of relief only after cleaning.

Mental health may improve

Rage cleaning is a type of coping mechanism in which you release your negative mental energy while cleaning and after every step of cleaning you feel lighter. This energy is a type of accumulated toxic mental energy which when released from the body reduces the cortisol level present in the body and the person feels stress free.

Rage cleaning is a natural process which is actually considered very healthy for health. During this, a person in anger keeps those things clean and organized over which he has control. He expresses his feelings in the form of cleaning, which gives him mental peace. We give a right direction to the angry feelings present in the inner mind in the form of cleaning. This cleans the house as well as organizes it and everyone knows that things kept in an organized manner are also very helpful in removing the problem of anxiety, depression and insomnia.
