
New Delhi. Vitamin-C Rich Drinks:  Vitamin-C is a vitamin that is necessary for our body for not one but many reasons. Its deficiency can cause many problems like bleeding from gums, dull skin, less collagen production, etc. Therefore, you should include food or drinks rich in vitamin-C (Effective Vitamin C Drinks) in your diet every day, because our body is unable to store vitamin-C. Therefore, we are going to tell you about some such drinks, which can help in removing the deficiency of vitamin-C in the body.

Orange juice

Orange is one of the best sources of vitamin C. Therefore, drinking its fresh juice helps in overcoming the deficiency of vitamin C. Potassium and folic acid are also found in it, which helps in making the skin glowing. Also, it increases skin elasticity, which is very beneficial for health.

Pineapple juice

Pineapple juice is rich in vitamin C as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking it not only provides vitamin C, but also helps in curing acne. Drinking it also increases the amount of collagen, which helps in making the skin glowing. Therefore, drinking pineapple juice daily can be very beneficial for your skin.

Lemon and mint water

Lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C. Also, mint is very refreshing. Therefore, drinking lemon and mint water can be very beneficial for your health. Drinking lemon and mint mixed in water also detoxifies the body and keeps it hydrated, which is very beneficial for the skin. Therefore, drinking lemon and mint water is very beneficial for your health.

