
New Delhi. Cholesterol is a chemical that plays many roles in the body. It is a part of the cell membrane i.e. the outer walls of the cell, which protects the cell from damage. It is part of the building blocks of hormones, helps in the formation of vitamin D and bile acids and is considered extremely important for overall health.

About 70 to 80% of cholesterol is produced in the body by the liver. When the cholesterol level in the body increases due to unhealthy eating and lifestyle of a person, it starts accumulating in the arteries and blood flow can get blocked, which increases the risk of heart attack or stroke. Therefore, one should stay away from foods that increase cholesterol levels. Let's know 4 food items that increase cholesterol-

Processed and red meat

Processed and red meats like sausages, bacon, hot dogs increase the amount of cholesterol. WHO has declared processed meat as a carcinogen. Consuming processed and red meats rich in sodium and saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease. Instead, eat fish, which contains omega three fatty acids which are beneficial for the heart.

Bakery Food

Bakery food items like bread, cookies, pastries, patties do not contain any kind of nutrients. These calorie-rich bakery products are just full of refined flour, sugar and saturated fat, which increase the amount of cholesterol. So eat homemade cakes or cookies made with nutritious ingredients, but say goodbye to unhealthy baked foods from the market.

Deep fried foods

Deep fried foods like French fries or chips absorb a lot of oil during frying, making them loaded with trans fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. Opt for homemade baked or air fried foods.

Full Fat Dairy Products

Butter, cheese, full fat milk or yogurt should be consumed in a limited amount and if someone has high cholesterol, they should avoid consuming dairy products. Sodium is also found in cheese, which is harmful for heart patients.
