
People get scared on hearing the name of Covid-19. People of the country and the world have had to suffer a lot due to the corona virus. Recently, this question is arising repeatedly in the minds of people whether Covid-19 is going to knock again? Actually, the reason behind this is the symptoms seen in the body during Covid-19, which people are feeling again. For your information, let us tell you that the patients with Covid symptoms are increasing in Delhi. 

Early symptoms of COVID-19

Symptoms like nasal congestion, fever, body ache and cold were seen in people who were infected with coronavirus. Recently, such symptoms are being seen again in people in Delhi. However, looking at these symptoms, it cannot be said with certainty that these symptoms only point towards Covid. Actually, such symptoms can also be seen in other viral infections. 

Understand other reasons too 

If you are experiencing such symptoms in your body, then the reason behind this can also be the changing weather. Due to sudden heat and then rain, humidity is created in the temperature. If your immune system is weak, then you may experience such symptoms in the changing weather. Symptoms like cold, blocked nose, fever and body ache can also be seen in air pollution, allergy, flu. 

It is necessary to have a check up

If you are seeing such symptoms in your body, it means that your health is not completely well. Do not make the mistake of ignoring these symptoms. As soon as you notice these symptoms in your body, you must consult a good doctor. You should be careful as soon as you notice symptoms like difficulty in breathing, chest pain, fever or vomiting, otherwise your health can be badly damaged.
