
Beauty Benefits Of Nutmeg For Glowing Skin

To enhance the complexion of the face, people often use kitchen items like gram flour, curd, and milk. All these things are safe for the skin but sometimes they do not give the desired result. If you feel like this, then make another kitchen spice a part of your beauty regime. Yes, the name of this spice is nutmeg. Nutmeg is a kind of natural exfoliation, which improves the texture of the skin by removing dead skin from the face. Let us know what amazing benefits the use of nutmeg on the face gives to the skin.

Get rid of acne problems.

Nutmeg has anti-bacterial properties, which can help kill acne-causing bacteria. To do this remedy, mixing nutmeg with curd or honey and applying it to acne can be beneficial.


The oils present in nutmeg moisturize the skin. It can be mixed with coconut oil and used as a moisturizer.

Keep away the problem of anti-aging-

Nutmeg has anti-aging properties, which protect the skin from damage caused by sun rays. Many people have high melanin production in their skin, and the use of nutmeg is very good to reduce it. It naturally fairs the skin, reduces hyperpigmentation, and helps you maintain glowing skin.

Get rid of dead skin.

Vitamin C present in nutmeg helps in getting rid of dead skin and also brightens the skin. To do this remedy, mix nutmeg with honey and use it as a scrub on the skin.

Relief from skin inflammation and rashes

The various anti-inflammatory properties present in nutmeg can help reduce skin inflammation. To do this remedy, mixing nutmeg with curd or aloe vera and applying it provides relief from rashes and irritation.

Beauty benefits of Nutmeg for glowing skin
