The Uttar Pradesh government has got a big relief from the Allahabad High Court in the Sambhal case. Varanasi's social activist Dr. Anand Shankar Tiwari has withdrawn his PIL filed in the High Court. In this PIL, a demand was made to conduct a judicial inquiry into the entire incident related to the violence.
A few days after the PIL was filed, the UP government ordered a judicial inquiry into the matter. The judicial commission reached Sambhal 3 days ago and started its investigation. Since the PIL has become irrelevant, the High Court has now refused to interfere in this matter.
The division bench of the High Court hearing the case has given the petitioner the liberty to file a new petition later if he is not satisfied with the report of the judicial commission. During the hearing today, the court said that the judicial commission has started its work.
The petitioner's demand has already been accepted. In such a situation, now there is no justification for this PIL. On the advice of the court, the petitioner has withdrawn his PIL.
Senior advocates Imran Ullah and Vineet Vikram appeared in the court on behalf of the petitioner in the hearing held today. The case was heard in the division bench of Justice Ashwini Mishra and Justice Gautam Chaudhary.
The second PIL related to Sambhal violence could not be heard in Allahabad High Court today. The PIL filed by Delhi based organization Association of Protection of Civil Rights was to be heard in the Chief Justice Court today. Due to technical reasons, the hearing in this case could not be held today. The hearing in this case will now be held in a new bench tomorrow.
Apart from this, the public interest litigation filed by Maharashtra's Hazrat Khwaja Garib Nawaz Trust is also expected to be heard tomorrow. The UP government has got a big relief as the Allahabad High Court did not interfere in the Sambhal case today.