
Anna Sebastian, a 26-year-old chartered accountant working in multinational consulting firm Ernst & Young, died due to work pressure (chronic burnout). Now the question arises- can the balance between our professional life and personal life deteriorate so much that it puts our life in danger? Actually, immense work pressure, job uncertainty and increasing lack of communication have become a part of today's life knowingly or unknowingly. On the question of how to reduce this pressure that is crushing our emotions and mood, psychiatrist Dr. Ekansh says that we have to keep three things in mind - first, our professional life should not become the reason for distance from the relatives who stay with us in happiness and sorrow, second, the pressure of work should not take away our hobbies like reading books, listening to music or gardening, third, adequate distance from the virtual world i.e. smartphones and gadgets is also necessary. People living in work-life imbalance start feeling helpless and frustrated with increasing work pressure. Its impact is very big. We can relieve stress and fatigue by taking a little rest, but burnout takes us to a scary level.

Here's how to spot the signs of burnout

  • Are you starting to doubt your own work?
  • Has work become a burden and you are having trouble getting started? Can't focus?
  • Are you starting to feel isolated or helpless while working in a team?
  • Do you lose patience while working or communicating with co-workers or customers?
  • Are you not satisfied even after completing your work and are beginning to doubt your skills and abilities?
  • Are you turning to drugs or alcohol to stay stress free, are your sleeping and waking habits changing?
  • Are you having a headache, stomach problem, or some other physical problem that you can't figure out?

If the answer to these questions is yes, then it is possible that you are rapidly moving towards burnout. In such a situation, it would be better for you to consult a health expert immediately.

How does stress become burnout?

Before burnout, there is a state of stress. This is a normal thing in human life. But when stress persists for a long time, it leads to burnout. This affects mental, physical health and immunity. Before facing any challenge, one faces stress. This is also good. But, it is not good if stress and pressure persist continuously.

How does the brain deal with stress?

There is a hypothalamus in our brain, as soon as a stressful situation arises, it gets activated by the signal of amygdala. It is connected to the sensitive part. When any danger arises, different hormones start getting released. These trigger the hypothalamus. ACTH hormone goes into the blood stream. This releases cortisol, which is called the stress hormone. If cortisol is released for a short time, it causes alertness in the body. As soon as it slows down, the mind calms down and all the hormones become normal. But when this stress continues for 24 hours, a behavior pattern is formed in the brain. This causes continuous release of cortisol, which is harmful.



Effects of stress on the body

Due to constant stress, the body starts looking old at a young age, immunity deteriorates. Stomach problems start occurring. This problem becomes a permanent problem for those who work in stressful environments. The good bacteria in the intestines that help in digestion start getting spoiled. If our body remains under stress for 24 hours, then obviously the body will remain active all the time. This will cause fatigue and laziness. One starts getting nervous even on receiving a phone call. This will start deteriorating emotional, cognitive health and immunity.


There should be a balance between sleep, food and daily routine

Due to disorganization in work, the body's ability to respond starts to fall. If sleep is affected, then automatically the food cycle will get disturbed. It will become difficult to find time for yourself. You will not be able to give time to your hobbies and family.

Factors that increase the risk of burnout

  • Heavy workload and endless working hours
  • Imbalance between normal routine and work
  • Lack of control during work
  • Continuing to avoid stress and avoiding advice from others

How does the nature change?

  • Feeling tired
  • Avoiding new tasks and responsibilities
  • disrupted sleep
  • Feeling sad, irritable, and indifferent to life

Not only this, if stress persists for a long time then you can also become vulnerable to high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes and heart related diseases.

Be sure to keep these things in mind

1) Drink Drink

If you are feeling stressed, then increase the amount of water you drink. Water not only hydrates the body but also gives a signal of relaxation to the mind. Water also keeps the skin and stomach healthy and makes you stress free.

2) Start exercising

Go for a morning walk, exercise, run. Some MNCs now have gym facilities as well. Gymming releases serotonin (happy hormone), which instantly relieves 30-35 percent of stress.

3) Keep the hobby alive

Start doing new work, develop hobbies. Many times, the hobby of reading cannot be fulfilled due to the hustle and bustle. Connect with music, gardening, nature, do not leave them. These small things have a huge impact.

4) Seek happiness over money

One should learn to earn happiness instead of money. It will take seven years instead of five to earn money, but if health is lost, no one can return it.

5) Practice positivity

Keeping an eye on mental health is not a one day job, it is a matter of practice. One cannot fix a single day to feel positive. It has to be made a habit.

6) Balance with thoughts and feelings

You have to learn to respect your thoughts and feelings. All this will happen only through mindfulness practice, exercise and a positive attitude.

7) It will happen by doing, not by wanting

When you take responsibility yourself, you will also find time. Our doctors try their best to stay fit even after giving services for 12 to 14 hours. We should learn from them. Life cannot go on with excuses. Change will not happen by wishing for it, but by doing it.



Be aware and focused, but not stressed

We should prioritize our work in life. Along with work, our body and mind are also involved, balance between all these is necessary. If the body or mind is in pain, then work will not be done. One cannot work while being hungry or in insomnia. Relax a little every one and a half hours, work by going away or standing. If you are planning something, then think with closed eyes or while walking. You can take a short nap. Listen to what you like with closed eyes.

Stress is nothing to take

Stress and time pressure are two different things. It is good to work with concentration in the stipulated time, but it is not good to take stress. Instead of thinking whether the work will be done or not, whether someone will shout, stay in the present. Do only as much as you can. This will come from training the mind and self-discipline. Surely, there will be a surge of thoughts, but we have to avoid them.

Do a guided meditation

The mind has become heated, keep it calm, do not think for two or five minutes. Climb some stairs before eating. Take light food, fruits, dry fruits. Every two hours some energy should go into the stomach. Keep drinking enough water. If you are not hungry, do not force yourself to eat. Sing a little song, look at the plants.

Follow these tips

Stress is related to breathing. Take long breaths slowly. Do Bhramari Pranayam two-three times. If you want to remove stress, then stretch your body a little, spread your hands. This relaxes the muscles. Start meeting people. Share your joys and sorrows with them. Talk to them on the phone.

- Dr. Hansa G Yogendra, Yoga Expert and Director, The Yoga Institute, Mumbai

It is important to practice stress management

The easiest way to control stress is to mingle with friends and relatives and go out for a walk. Stress is like a pressure cooker inside us. If it keeps accumulating, it will burst one day. It is necessary to keep releasing the pressure like a whistle. If you do not get the support of your loved ones in this fast-paced world, then trouble will surely come. Oxytocin hormone is released in the body only when we are with our relatives and loved ones. This hormone is like an anti-stress. Put down the phone and gadgets for 10-15 minutes and eat with them, talk. This will reduce stress by 40-50 percent. Due to work from home, one has to stay in front of the screen all the time. This makes the eyes and brain tired. Dopamine is released repeatedly by watching the screen. This also happens due to drug abuse and internet addiction. This should be avoided.

have a slow start to the morning

It is necessary to bring mindfulness into life. For this, continuous efforts will have to be made. This is one level higher than Pranayam. As soon as you wake up in the morning, make sure that you start your day slowly. You can do yourself a great favour by giving up the habit of using the phone, rushing around and taking stress as soon as you wake up. Wake up half an hour earlier in the morning, start your day slowly, your mind will remain fresh.
