New Delhi. During the first parliamentary session of the 18th Lok Sabha, Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has targeted Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla. She said, members of the ruling party were not stopped from raising unparliamentary and unconstitutional slogans.
In fact, during the oath taking ceremony of the newly elected MPs, most of the opposition MPs raised slogans of 'Jai Samvidhaan'. Along with them, senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor also said 'Jai Samvidhaan' after the oath. On this, Congress MP Deepender Hooda supported Shashi Tharoor and standing in the House said that no one should object to this, but Speaker Om Birla got angry.
Priyanka Gandhi Vadra raised the question
Now after this Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has attacked Om Birla, she said, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra raised questions and asked whether 'Jai Samvidhaan' cannot be said in Parliament. In a social media post on X, she wrote, 'Can't the slogan 'Jai Samvidhaan' be raised in the Indian Parliament?
They want to weaken our constitution'
Those in power were not stopped from raising unparliamentary and unconstitutional slogans in Parliament, but when an opposition MP raised the slogan 'Jai Samvidhaan'. The anti-constitution sentiment that emerged during the elections has now taken a new form, which wants to weaken our Constitution.
He further wrote, 'The Constitution by which the Parliament functions, the Constitution by which every member takes oath, the Constitution by which every citizen gets protection of life and livelihood, will that same Constitution be opposed now to suppress the voice of the opposition?'