
Obesity is a big challenge for the whole world. Due to poor eating habits and less physical activity, today everyone from children to adults is troubled by increasing body fat. In India alone, about 13.5 crore people suffer from obesity, if you are also struggling with this problem, then this effective formula for weight loss (30–30–30 Weight Loss Rule) can prove to be miraculous for you. This not only helps you in weight loss but it also makes your body healthy and strong. People are often seen claiming on social media that with the help of this rule (Weight Loss Rule), weight can be reduced in just one month. In such a situation, you can also try following this plan (Weight Management Formula) for a month.



Practice mindful eating

Eating is not just a means to fill the stomach, but an experience that should be enjoyed completely. Chewing food slowly not only keeps your digestive system healthy, but also makes weight loss easier. This process is called mindful eating , in which you have to stay away from distractions like TV or phone while eating. The 30-30-30 formula for weight loss says that your entire focus should be on food. By doing this, you will be able to feel satisfied without eating too much.


Reduce your calorie intake

The most effective way to lose weight is to reduce calorie intake. The 30-30-30 rule of weight loss is also based on this principle. According to this rule, if you have to reduce your daily calories by 30%, then weight can be easily reduced. Suppose, you need 2000 calories daily, then you can keep a target of 1400 calories. Keep in mind, calories should be reduced gradually. Reducing calories in a hurry can harm the body. Therefore, you should take a diet rich in nutrients and drink enough water.


Regular exercise

Exercise is very important for a healthy and fit life. When it comes to weight loss, it becomes even more important. Just 30 minutes of exercise a day can change your whole day. This will not only burn calories but will also keep your mood good and improve your overall health. You can stay fit by walking, running, cycling, swimming or working out in the gym.
