An uncontrollable bull hit three people during a traditional game on the occasion of Makar Sankranti in Hosahalli village of Mandya district of Karnataka. During this traditional game, cows and bulls are made to pass through circles of fire. It is believed that this kills the insects stuck to the skin of the animals and keeps them healthy.
Animals were made to run through the fire
Preparations were also made for this traditional game in Hosahalli of Mandya. A circle of fire was made and the animals were made to run through it. During this, a bull went out of control and after coming out of the circle of fire, while running, it knocked down three people.
Three people were hit one after the other
A video of the incident has surfaced. In the video, it can be seen that when a bull came out of the ring of fire, it went out of control and ran and hit three people one by one, who fell on the ground. The injured persons were immediately rushed to the nearby MIMS hospital for first aid. A case was registered in connection with the incident at the Mandya Central Police Station. Police officials are investigating the matter.
Minister injured in road accident
In another news, Karnataka minister Lakshmi Hebbalkar and her brother Channaraj Hattiholi were injured in a road accident on the outskirts of Belagavi yesterday. The airbags in the vehicle opened at the time of the accident, so no one suffered serious injuries. According to the hospital management, the minister and her Legislative Council Member (MLC) brother are out of danger. The minister has suffered a minor fracture in his leg. He will be discharged in the next two days. The driver and gunman of the car also suffered minor injuries and were discharged after first aid.