Nowadays, advice to eat healthy is available from everywhere. Which should definitely include protein, vitamins and micronutrients. But despite all this, many people do not have adequate balance of essential nutrients in their food. Due to which all kinds of problems start surrounding them. Especially if there is a lack of protein in the body, then such symptoms are seen. Which is important to identify in time. Know what are those symptoms and diseases that occur due to lack of protein.
fatty liver
Fatty liver indicates a lack of protein. In which fat starts accumulating in the liver cells. Research has shown that due to the bacteria present in the intestines and the changes in the cells, lipoproteins or fat transporting proteins do not work properly. Due to which fat starts accumulating in the liver.
Inflammation of the skin
Due to lack of protein, swelling in the skin, also known as edema, starts. In women, swelling is often seen in the hands and feet. In this condition, liquid starts accumulating in the body's tissues. The reason for this is the low amount of albumin, the most abundant protein found in the blood. And the job of this albumin is to maintain pressure which pulls the liquid into the blood circulation. When the amount of protein decreases, this liquid does not get pulled out of the blood circulation but gets collected in the tissue. Due to which swelling is seen in the feet, knees and hands.
Skin and hair problems
Due to protein deficiency, problems start occurring in skin, hair and nails. Due to protein deficiency, hair growth stops and their texture also deteriorates. Dryness, flaky skin and spots start appearing on the skin, redness and patches indicate protein deficiency.
There is a loss of muscles
When there is a lack of protein in the body, the body starts taking protein from the muscles so that the necessary functions of the body can be carried out. Due to which the body starts becoming lean and weak. Therefore, the amount of protein in the body should be adequate.
Bones become weak
Protein deficiency causes bones to become weak and often increases the risk of fractures. According to a study done in 2021, people who consume more protein have 6 percent more hip and spine bone density than those who eat less protein. Due to which their chances of bone fractures are also reduced.
stunted growth of children
Due to protein deficiency, children's body growth stops or is delayed.
Excessive hunger and obesity
Due to lack of protein, you feel more hungry and your calorie intake increases. The less protein you eat, the more the body will store that protein and encourage you to eat more. Due to this, people often eat more carbs and obesity increases in the body.