Udham Singh Nagar News: After the arrest of a terrorist from Uttarakhand belonging to Khalistan Tiger Force from Delhi, now the police has arrested a bike rider who was roaming around in Udham Singh Nagar district with Khalistan written on his bike. SSP Manikant Mishra and other police officials reached the spot and questioned the youth. After the arrest of the youth, the intelligence agency also became active, their officials also reached the spot and are questioning the youth. The police was searching for this youth for many days.
Emergency movie is playing in the cinema hall of Kashipur area of Udham Singh Nagar district. By tearing the poster of the movie, the youth was trying to inspire the youth to support Khalistan by uploading the video on social media. After the video went viral on social media, the police started searching for the youth. On the basis of special information from an informer, the police arrested a bike rider from Bareilly district near Green Park on Gadarpur Road, on whose bike the word Khalistan was written.
What did the youth say during interrogation
After getting information about the case, SSP Manikant Mishra, SP City Manoj Katyal, CO Niharika Tomar and other officials reached the police station and interrogated the youth. During police interrogation, the youth told his name as Harpreet Singh alias Happy who is a resident of Chachet Baheri Bareilly district. After getting information about the case, LIU and IB officials reached the spot and interrogated the suspected Khalistani supporter. He was released after issuing a challan under the Police Act, while his phone was taken into custody and investigated and the bike was seized.
What did Rudrapur CO Niharika Tomar say?
Rudrapur CO Niharika Tomar said that a few days ago, a youth had torn the poster of the movie Emergency and shared the video on the social media. After this, the youth was being continuously searched. Yesterday, the youth was detained from near Green Park on Gadarpur Road and brought to the police station. During police interrogation, the youth told his name as Harpreet Singh alias Happy, he is a resident of Baheri Bareilly district. The bike recovered from Harpreet had Khalistan written on it. She said that after questioning the youth, he has been challaned under the Police Act.
A Khalistan supporter used to run a Thandai shop
Police had received information from a special informer that a young man has got Khalistan written on his bike. When the police detained the bike rider near Green Park on Gadarpur Road, the police after questioning the young man has challaned him under the Police Act, while the youth's phone was confiscated and investigated. The bike was seized. Harpreet runs a Thandai shop near Green Park.