
New Delhi.  Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not release the right amount of hormones. This imbalance in hormones causes many changes in the body, including symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue and mood swings. Let us tell you that thyroid hormone plays an important role in controlling many functions of our body, but the most important among them is metabolism. Therefore, it is very important to manage this condition. However, some common symptoms of Menopause are also similar to Thyroid, due to which sometimes it becomes difficult to differentiate between them in women aged 45-51 years.

Due to this, the symptoms of both menopause and thyroid can become severe and one may have to face many problems. Therefore, women who are around the age of menopause and also have thyroid, need to take special care. To get more information about this, we spoke to Dr. Anjali Kumar (Director of Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram). Let's know what she said about this.

Dr. Kumar says that to manage hypothyroidism during menopause, it is important to focus on reducing the effects of hormonal imbalance on health. For this, regular checkups, lifestyle improvements and proper treatment are necessary. Only by taking special care of these things, hypothyroidism can be managed during menopause.

Regular Checkups

First of all, it is important that women who have gone through menopause get their thyroid checked regularly. This is important because some symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as mood swings, weight gain and fatigue, are also included in the symptoms of menopause. Not only this, it is important to check the level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) with the help of regular blood tests, so that the dose of thyroid hormone replacement therapy can be controlled accordingly.

Healthy Diet

Further, Dr. Kumar says that apart from regular checkups, it is also very important to improve diet to keep thyroid health better. For this, include foods rich in selenium, iodine and zinc in your diet. Such as fish, dairy products, nuts and whole grains. These can prove to be helpful in managing thyroid. Also, do not include soy products and cruciferous vegetables in your diet. These can interfere with thyroid function. A healthy diet is also important because the problem of weight gain due to hypothyroidism can become more serious during menopause. In such a situation, a healthy diet is very important to maintain the right weight.


Along with diet, exercise is also important to manage hypothyroidism. Regular aerobic exercise and strength training can help maintain weight, increase metabolism and improve mood. Also, exercise reduces the risk of osteoporosis, which can occur due to low estrogen levels during menopause.

Stress Management

Due to stress, the problem of menopause and hypothyroidism can become serious. Therefore, during this time, adopt stress management methods , such as yoga, meditation and mindfulness, so that the problems caused by menopause and thyroid can be reduced.

plenty of sleep

Getting the right amount of sleep and better sleep is also important to reduce stress . Also, menopause and thyroid problems can be aggravated due to lack of sleep

Dr. Kumar says that some women undergo hormone replacement therapy to reduce the symptoms of menopause. Although this can prove to be very helpful, it is very important to keep thyroid disease in mind at this time.
