
Cholesterol is a wax-like, fat substance found in our blood and cells. It is very important for good health. However, it is very important to have it in limited quantity in the body, otherwise you may have to face dire consequences. An increased level of cholesterol (High Cholesterol) can cause many serious health problems in the body. Due to this, the risk of problems like heart disease, stroke increases significantly. Along with this, many other problems can also make you their victim.


In such a situation, it is important to identify the level of rising bad cholesterol in the body in time , so that any untoward incident can be prevented before it happens. Whenever something goes wrong in our body, the body starts giving signals of it in advance. All that is needed is to recognize those signals. In such a situation, today in this article we will tell you about some such signs of high bad cholesterol, which are visible in our feet.


Cramps in the legs


If you often feel cramps in the muscles of your legs, especially in the calves, thighs or buttocks, it may be a sign of increased bad cholesterol . This problem usually occurs during activities like walking and improves with rest.


Numbness or weakness in the legs

If you feel weakness or numbness in your legs, it is a sign that not enough blood is reaching the nerves and muscles of your legs. This may be due to increased bad cholesterol.


Changes in the skin of the feet

Changes in the skin of the feet can also be a sign of increased levels of bad cholesterol. If the skin of your feet looks yellow, shiny or cold, do not take it lightly at all. In many severe cases, wounds or ulcers may also develop on the toes or feet.


cold feet

If your feet feel cold to the touch even in summer, it could be a sign of PAD i.e. peripheral artery disease, which is linked to bad cholesterol.


Pain in the legs

High bad cholesterol causes the accumulation of plaque that blocks the arteries. This reduces oxygen and blood flow, causing a feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs.
