
New Delhi. Cancer is a fatal disease, which is very important to identify at the right time. Along with timely identification, its prevention is also very important. Sometimes some of our habits invite this dangerous disease. The most important among these is our food. Cancer can be prevented to a great extent by promoting a healthy lifestyle and nutritious diet, because some food items can also invite cancer, which is important to know. Let us know which are the foods that can cause cancer and which even cancer experts advise against eating-

Fried Foods

Excessive consumption of fried foods such as puri, kachori, samosas, French fries, pakoras, etc. increases the risk of weight gain and diabetes. These things increase oxidative stress and inflammation, which increases the risk of cancer.

Sugar and refined carbohydrates

Consuming high amounts of sugar and starchy foods can lead to type 2 diabetes and obesity. In both conditions, oxidative stress increases and the risk of cancer also increases.

Artificial Sweeteners

According to the WHO cancer research agency, the commonly used artificial sweetener aspartame is classified as being potentially carcinogenic in nature.

Processed Meats

Meat that is preserved by salting, curing, canning or smoking is called processed meat. Most processed meat is red meat. Processed meat such as hot dogs, salami, sausages should be avoided.

Overcooked Foods

Some foods, such as meat, can produce carcinogens if overcooked. Cooking at high temperatures or over an open flame can cause overcooking. Grilling, barbecuing or pan frying can increase the likelihood of overcooking food.


Consuming alcohol causes the liver to break it down into acetaldehyde, which is a carcinogenic compound.
