
New Delhi.  Some of our daily habits not only spoil our health but also have a bad effect on the skin, such as drinking less water, sleeping less, using too many gadgets, etc. Their effect is such that they can take away the glow of your face and make you look old before time. Let's know about some such habits.

Too much scrubbing

Scrubbing your face once a week is enough. Excessive scrubbing washes out the natural oils present on the skin. There can be a problem of rashes on the face. Not only this, the face looks old and tired before time. Do not use scrubs with coarse granules at all.

Not applying sunscreen

Too much exposure to UV rays can cause premature aging of the skin. It can also cause pigmentation. If you want to avoid these problems, do not forget to apply sunscreen whether it is summer, winter or monsoon.

Sleep and sleeping positions

7 to 8 hours of sleep is considered essential for a healthy body and skin. Actually, while sleeping, our cells work to repair the skin. That is why the skin looks fresh after waking up. Getting enough sleep also prevents the problem of wrinkles and fine lines . Using mobile or laptop till late night and sleeping face down also affects the health of the skin. 

Taking stress 

Lack of sleep and excessive stress increases the level of cortisol hormone in the body, which can lead to problems like acne, inflammation and premature ageing.

Insufficiency of water

Due to lack of water in the body, the skin looks dull and dry. There is no glow on the face. Dryness can cause wrinkles. To avoid this, drink enough water throughout the day. If you do not like the taste of water, you can enhance its taste by adding mint or cucumber to it. This also detoxifies the body.
