Delhi Election 2025: Aam Aadmi Party has launched a scathing attack on BJP. Senior AAP leader and MP Sanjay Singh alleged that on Wednesday BJP used a vehicle with a fake number plate to defame Aam Aadmi Party, Punjab Government and Punjab Bhawan.
Sanjay Singh said that a Creta car with Punjab number plate was parked in front of Punjab Bhawan and AAP's pamphlets, posters and money were displayed in it. This car does not belong to the Punjab government. The fake number plate on the car is a Ford Ecosport registered in the name of an army officer. It is not possible for a car with fake number plate to roam around in Delhi without the protection of BJP and Delhi Police.
He said that our demand is that the Election Commission should investigate and bring out the truth. Senior Aam Aadmi Party leader and Rajya Sabha member Sanjay Singh said at the party headquarters on Thursday that the BJP is doing such things due to politics, which will now start a campaign to defame the buildings of various states located in Delhi. Wednesday's incident has proved that now even the buildings of different states are not safe in Delhi. These people will plant bombs anywhere or get any incident carried out.
Sanjay Singh said that when the Punjab government inquired about this vehicle, they said that their government does not have any Hyundai Creta vehicle. That means the Punjab government has not hired any such vehicle for its work.
He said that after this, the Punjab government found out whose name that number was in and it was found that the car was in the name of Major Anubhav Shivpuri of Army Dental Medical College, Pathankot. Major Anubhav Shivpuri has worked in Pathankot for three years and is currently posted in Pune, Maharashtra.
Sanjay Singh questioned the Election Commission and said, is it conducting elections in Delhi in this manner? Such an incident is being carried out under the nose of the Election Commission in the New Delhi Assembly where a vehicle with a fake number plate is being used to defame the Aam Aadmi Party, the Punjab Government and Punjab Bhawan.